
Monday, March 14, 2011

Chapters 15,16,21

1.    1.    Lysogenic pathways are a latent period that extends through various replication cycles and these genes are integrated into the host chromosome and will stay there for a couple of divisions before being replicated. Binary fission is asexual reproduction and the body of a organism will split spontaneously. Binary fission and lysogenic reproduction is very different for the virus enters the host and stays there as they reproduce however binary fission splits spontaneously.
2.     2.   Conjugation is a mode of gene transfer that is possible whe one of the cells has an F plasmid among prokaryotic species while bacteria transformations is when a DNA is changed and therefore a bacteria is able to survive antibiotics. The way they fit together is that bacterial transformations may happen through conjugation because bacteria cells swap out with DNA to prevent the bacteria’s being destroyed.
3.     3.   A plasmid is a small bacterial DNA molecules that has a few genes and is replicated independently of the bacterial chromosome. A retrovirus is any of a group of viruses that contain two single-strand linear RNA molecules per virion and reverse transcriptase.   The plasmid is formed  many retroviruses which use enzymes to reverse transcriptase to form DNA and RNA.
4.   4.     An operator is a segment of DNA in which a repressor binds.  Hydrolysis is a reaction in which water reacts with a compound to produce another compound. Similar to each other, hydrolysis components attach to water molecules, the operator attaches to a protein.
5.     5.   An  okazaki fragment is a short fragment of DNA  which is created on a lagging strand during DNA replication. A restriction enzyme is an enzyme that cuts double stranderd or single stranded DNA. Hence an okazaki fragment comes from the cut strand that is cut from the restriction enzyme.

1.       Instructions for carrying out DNA molecules chromosomes lay in the hands of ribosome that are attached to membrane networks that snake their way through the cells. During protein synthesis, the amino acids are separated and bounded into new chains. Nuclosome packing is what determines if the section of DNA becomes transcribed leading to the regulation of genes that will be copied over. RNA interferences happens when RNA molecules pair themselves with themselves leading to t .
2.       The promoter is a DNA sequence t at allows a gene to be transcribed and RNA polymerase initiate this transcription. The operator is a segment of DNA that that a repressor binds to and it is located between the promoter and genes of operon. Repressors bind to the operators in DNA and it bends, blocking transcription.
3.       The gel electrophoresis separates the DNA fragment and in DNA fingerprinting a given sample is cut up with the restriction enzyme and run through the electrophoresis and that results in the DNA polymorphism being checked.
4.       Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and a double membrane. The prokaryote has no nucleus. In a prokaryote every organelle is attached to a membrane whereas a eukaryotic cell is composed of a cytoplasm filled with many organelles because they are more complex.  DNA replication in prokaryotes happens when a bacteria chromosome connects itself to the cell plasma membrane creating DNA replication. The cell makes proteins and lipids and the membrane grows while the two DNA molecules pull apart giving each DNA one. The final step is when the membranes divide.
5.       The difference between a lytic and lysogenic is that the lytic cycle is when a virus enters through the membrane to get into a cell and the lysogenic cycle is when a virus enters a cell through the host cell.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chapter 13 & 14

1. 5’ end when describing DNA is the end of the stand that has no amino acids bonding to the stand and it is low in electronegativity. The reason that the 5’ DNA is low in electronegativity is because electronegativity is attached to amino acids and hence when the DNA strand is done, it no longer attracts the amino acids.
2.  A start codon is the codon at which translation of mRNA into protein starts and it encodes the first amino acid. The groups of these amino acids are different for each organism and vary from each other however they still work together. Similarly, incomplete dominance works the same for there are traits that are not all similar, yet they work together, mixing, to make another combination of traits.
3. Semiconvsevative replication means that half of each parent molecule would be present in each daughter molecule. The barr body is the inactive sex chromosome in a male or female. Therefore because there is an inactive sex chromosome, the chromosome goes through the process of replication by going through semiconservative chromosome.
4. RNA polymerase is the enzyme that copies DNA into RNA and this copying occurs the place that the RNA is located in which is the nucleolus.
5. DNA polymerase is the enzyme which is responsible for replicating DNA. By replicating the DNA it is necessary that the enzyme forms glycosidic linkages between itself and the amino acid to start the replication process.
6. Helicases are a class of enzymes that are necessary for all living organisms and it is required for DNA unwinding. The G2 karyotupe shows the condense replicated DNA which is what the helicases break down.

1. The antiparallelism shown in the 5’3’ pattern is the reason that DNA polymerase moves away from the 3’5’ strand. They move in different directions, therefore being deemed as antiparallelism. The DNA plymearse goes back to the replication fork and keeps on creating new segments hence the complication is solved.
2. The structural differences between RNA and DNA is that RNA is a single-stranded nucleic acid while DNA is double-stranded. Rna also has a ribose sugar instead of a deoxyribose sugar like dna. Lastly, RNA nucleotides have a uracil base as oppose to a thymine.
3. The messenger RNA is the template for protein synthesis and it forms RNA that carries information form DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome sites of protein synthesis. Ribosomal RNA is the central component of the ribosome and it is the protein manufacturing machinery, responsible for protein synthesis. Transfer RNA is the RNA molecules present in the cell that attatch the correct amino acid to the protein chain that is being synthesized.
4. a. Transcription:
- First the RNA polymerase binds to the DNA strand at a promoter
- unwinds the two strands of DNA and uses one of the DNa strands as a template.
-Matches new nucleotide with their components on the DNA strand, G-C, A-U
-binds new RNA nucleotides to form a copy of the DNA strand (mRNA – polymerase)
-Stops when the sequence stops also known as the stop codon.
b. RNA splicing
- Introns start from the GU sequence and end in the AG sequence. 5’3’.
-Elogation of the RNA molecule happens
- One DNA strand is transcriped
c. Translation:  
- Transfers RNA in sequence of mRNA nucleotide
- The anticodon recognizes the area on mRNA as the codon.
- RNA is transferred.