
Monday, April 4, 2011

Chapter 17 & 18

1.       Prophase I & Allele Frequency
The allele frequency is the section of all copies of a gene that consist of a particular gene trait (an allele).  During meiosis in prophase I, the two duplicated chromosomes connect and in this connection, they begin to exchange genetic information at junction points. The process of this crossing over results in genetic variation in genes and many different traits for each offspring. The crossing over and allele frequency are tied together for the crossing over influences the allele frequency between parents.
2.       Analogous structures & Natural Selection
Analogous structures are two structures that perform similar functions by a similar mechanism but evolved separately. Natural selection is the process of favorable traits eventually becoming the normative due to competition or survival of the fittest trait. Hence both of them occur because of the natural results of their surroundings and competition.
3.       Gene pool & Bottleneck
A gene pool is the entire unique group of alleles in a species or population.  Bottle neck is when the size of a population shoots down because of the environmental conditions. Hence, if a bottleneck were to occur, this would affect the gene pool and cause a low reproduction/population rate.
4.       Balance polymorphism & Search Image
Balanced polymorphism can be defined as the number of selective processes by which different alleles and this occurs when natural selection eliminates individuals with detrimental phenotypes from a population.  A search image is the way an animal is able to see its prey only by senses and is necessary for same animals for their everyday habits and eating techniques. That is why balance polymorphism would be needed in order to allow these alleles to work.
1.       Observations made by Darwin
-          All populations by nature increase over time because of their need to reproduce.
-          Populations will be limited because of environmental constraints
-          A group of organisms will compete amongst themselves
-          Species  share a common gene pool with its population
-          Genetic variation is derived from alleles that come from mutations
-          Some traits are more helpful than other trait or alleles because of the environment.
-          Natural selection is the result of the variety of a population due to evolution.
2.       A. First the origin of photosynthetic cells
B.  Then the establishment of crusts of the earth that led to the environment where life can exists.
C. Molecular evolution that began life
D. oxygen in the atmosphere which led to the production of eukaryotic cells
E. Break up of Earth’s supercontinent which led to many different environments
3.       The phrase “individuals don’t evolve, populations do” is what evolution in actuality is because natural selection comes from the DNA changes of individuals and when they mate, their alleles or traits are passed down. That’s why new organisms with different traits are made because of their parents and these usually are based upon the environment and surroundings of the organism. When the child is affected by their parents, then the children mate with each other, the same alleles are passed down, therefore alternating or causing the process of evolution to the population.
4.       p2(AA) + 2pq(Aa) + q2(aa) = 1.0

p and q represent the frequencies of the alleles A and a.
The conditions that are needed are no mutations, the population is indefinitely large, the population is isolated, mating is random, and all individuals survive and produce the same number of offspring. 

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